Life got in the way yesterday so still cleaning up my scrappy mess. This evenings project my work desk. The computer desk and most of the containers are organized and put away. Found someone to donate my unwanted scrappy stuff to. They will be using it at a kids camp for crafts. Hopefully will finish up my scrappy area tonight so I can start working on LOs and a swap that is due at the end of July. I have learned that when sending to the states I have to allow at least 2 weeks for it to get there on time. Canada's postal system sucks even when pay extra to expedite it.
Made a double batch of Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies today and then found out the little boy I watch might be diabetic so he cant eat them. UUGGG I would not be able to live with dietary restrictions, I put enough of those on myself. Michaela is pretty much finished school, she has one exam on Friday then that is it for the year. She is starting work next week and will be mowing lawns and general labour again this year. She is saving everything to go on a trip to Cuba in February. My job is to get her a pass port.
Cara slept for 5 hours last night so went to bed at midnight then up at 5 am for a feeding. Hope she continues this. It would be nice if I could get her to bed earlier. Must remember she is only 2 months and it takes time so I need to be patient.
Well time to get off of here and get to work, night all.
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