Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So I didn't write anything on Friday because I was still trying to process everything. Now that I have had the weekend to think about things I can calmly write it down.

Friday morning I get a call from Fred's vice principle. I was expecting this as Fred told us there was a problem at the assembly Thursday with another boy. Fred did not tell us everything. So Fred did not start things which is good but he was excessive in his response to the boy. He understands now that he should of gone to a teacher and let them handle it in stead of kicking the boy so hard. Fred got suspended for 2 days from school and is only allowed back to take his exams. I wont go into all the details, lets just say it was a very serious transgression because he was the only one suspended. Of course as parents, Tyler and I had to be very harsh with him to make sure there is no repeat of this. All his privileges have been suspended, which he can earn back based on good behaviour. All media and electronic games and devices have been suspended for at least 4 months. This last is extremely hard for him because he is not a reader so he is bored ALL the time. Just means I will send him outside to entertain himself. Also wil not buy him a new DS like he wants, he doesnt need one.

I though long and hard about this next point. Warned him that if he hurts Veronica or Cara that he will be sent to live with his Dad. Not the best solution but I have to think of their safety first. They cant defend themselves so it is up to me to protect them even if that means protecting them from their brother. I dont know what else to do with him. He has gone to angry managment, had counselling etc. But he continues to act out violently. If any of you have some ideas I am open to hearing and trying them.

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