Monday, September 12, 2011


It dawned a warm and sunny day. The first thing I did was check on CTV news to see about a little boy was finally safe at home after being abducted on Tuesday. Was glad to see that sometime around 3am he was returned to his home. It was a wonderful start to a day that holds terrible memories for much of North America. Next up was switching on the TV to CNN to watch the 10th anniversary specials of 9/11. Glad I did not wear any makeup to Church as I spent most of the morning before leaving crying. The specials, dedications, and documentaries on yesterday were very moving. It is one of those days in history that if you lived through you will always be able to say where and what you were doing when the news hit of such tragedy.
Learn about some forgotten heroes yesterday, those boat operators that helped to evacuate survivers from downtown Manhattan. They were amazing and it was incredible to see the footage of them answering the call by the Coast Guard to come and help. To hear from the children of the first responders, who are now 10, that never got to met their fathers due to the towers collapsing. My heart goes out to them, everyone has a right to know their parents and these children only know half. To hear of the continued health problems, mental, physical and emotional that is plaguing those who helped at ground zero broke my heart. After 10 years the death toll is still raising.
I stand side by side my American friends and cry with you. I know the healing is on going, please know that I salute your troops and first responders and this tragic day in history will not be forgotten. God bless America the home of the Brave and Free!

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