Saturday, December 18, 2010

Early Mornings

Well here I am again awake at 3am with the youngest child. I am not working either job today and here I though I would get to sleep in until 7am, NOT. In the past 2 weeks I have had about 4 of these mornings when she wakes up, nurses then refuses to go back to sleep. She might get to sleep during the day but I don't. Plus I have discovered that I don't get tired until 10 the following night so by then I have been up for about 18+ hours, its GREAT. I mean part of the problem is she was so sick that she could not breath correctly and now she has a cough trying to bring up all the congestion left from being sick. Makes for one miserable baby and one tired, crank mom. I am one that needs at least 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep otherwise I am the miserable beast. I am soooo looking forward to weaning her and getting to sleep through the night in another 4 months by then she should be on all solids and taking cows milk in a bottle or sippy cup. Plus at this time of night what is there for me to do with a little child on my lap?? So here I sit checking out my fav. websites, blogs and blogging myself. Might give WOW a try later if I am still up. Also will have on heck of a headache in the morning so looks like my breakfast will include a can of coke to get rid of it. If I am lucky will be able to nap this afternoon when both my little girls have a nap. Fingers crossed for that. Well I should go and surf some more and hope the littlest one falls back to sleep soon.

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