Friday, December 31, 2010


Christmas turned out to be a wonderful day and a busy couple of days. The oldest two got pretty much everything they asked for, their wish list had about 5-6 items on them, and one surprise gift. Michaela got a beautiful birthstone pendant and Fred a new Nintendo DS. Veronica and Cara also got spoiled. V got a new keyboard, she loves music and Cara, who is hard to buy for right now, got a musical farm. Plus they all got so much more. Had a friend, Cathy, over for the day and supper which was the best I have made by far, LOL. We went out the night before to look at Christmas lights and got disappointed. I don't know if anyone else has noticed but it seems like less and less people are decorating their houses for Christmas. Veronica enjoyed it and kept saying "Look Daddy, lights. Pretty". I have to admit little children make Christmas a new and exciting experience. It reminds us all to see the world in an exciting new way and to have joy in the simple things. Cara is still to young to enjoy it but next year should be lots of fun. We plan on being in Calgary with Tyler's parents for Christmas which is always fun. I love having a ton of family and friends around during the holidays it just makes it that much more special. Next year Veronica might even understand about Santa but right now she is all about Christ which is the way it should be and I will continue to make sure He is the reason for Christmas day.  A couple of days later Tyler's parents and brother with his two boys came down to exchange presents. They always include Michaela and Fred and get them something which I am grateful for. Veronica and Cara again got spoiled by their grandparents. More toys and some clothes and of course a shopping trip to buy them more things. Grandma loves to shop with the girls, while at least Veronica right now. Veronica loves to talk to andma on the phone, she cant pronounce the Gr yet. It was a great couple of days and having a week off for me to just have my kids around was very relaxing.
We are having friends over for New Years and doing a couple of fondues. Normally we are in bed by 11pm but this year I wanted to do something so this is what I came up with. We shall see how it goes and that will decide if we do it again. I want to have friends over more often this year to visit and play games with. We need to socialize more and get the kids socializing too.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you have a Safe and Happy New Year.


Well I can honestly say that I kept my resolutions this past year and it is again time to make more. I plan on keeping the ones from last year but adding a few new ones.

1. I have 3 Blogs...Post once a week on family blog.
2. Try to stress less about financial situation.
3. Cross stitch more
4. Read the scriptures more and books less.
5. In April, Cara will be 1 and weened then, start to lose baby weight, goal lose 25-30 lbs.
Now for the list from last year
6. Spend at least one night a week playing board games
7. Sit down and craft every other day, include the kids at least once.
8. Manage time better.
9. Take more pictures and get a Family photo (this one is unfinished from last year)
10. Finish making my Wedding Album. The pp is selected I just need to do LOs now.

I wish everyone a Happy and Safe New Year.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Early Mornings

Well here I am again awake at 3am with the youngest child. I am not working either job today and here I though I would get to sleep in until 7am, NOT. In the past 2 weeks I have had about 4 of these mornings when she wakes up, nurses then refuses to go back to sleep. She might get to sleep during the day but I don't. Plus I have discovered that I don't get tired until 10 the following night so by then I have been up for about 18+ hours, its GREAT. I mean part of the problem is she was so sick that she could not breath correctly and now she has a cough trying to bring up all the congestion left from being sick. Makes for one miserable baby and one tired, crank mom. I am one that needs at least 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep otherwise I am the miserable beast. I am soooo looking forward to weaning her and getting to sleep through the night in another 4 months by then she should be on all solids and taking cows milk in a bottle or sippy cup. Plus at this time of night what is there for me to do with a little child on my lap?? So here I sit checking out my fav. websites, blogs and blogging myself. Might give WOW a try later if I am still up. Also will have on heck of a headache in the morning so looks like my breakfast will include a can of coke to get rid of it. If I am lucky will be able to nap this afternoon when both my little girls have a nap. Fingers crossed for that. Well I should go and surf some more and hope the littlest one falls back to sleep soon.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Spirit were art thou?

So Christmas is here and right now I am not in the Spirit for it. I am sure that will change with a little time. I am sure it is because I feel stressed. Had 5 huge swaps I had to finish and post before Dec.1 done, back working evenings at Cleo so I have lost much needed me time. I work 5 days a week, first I watch other peoples kids all day then I go and work 3.5 hours more in a mall doing retail just so we can have some extra money at Christmas time. This year it is tight again so there will not be many presents under the tree. Maybe that is the problem, I will not be able to start Christmas shopping for a least another week but will be doing my Christmas baking this Saturday that is always fun. Then I can make up my gifts for friends and deliver them that will help. Planning on having a friend or 2 over for New Years and doing a fondue party, YUMMY. I have all my kids home this year so we are not going anywhere for Christmas but it sounds like Tyler's parents and brother might be coming down. I CANT wait for that, I love having family over and enjoy it when it is in my home. Will be a little crowded but that is fine and I don't have to worry to much about what is under the tree, they always bring presents for all the kids. Veronica and Cara are sure to get spoiled by them too.
Fred turned 13 this year and we will be having his birthday this weekend, a little later then planned but then he could not decide what he wanted to do for it. Cara is very sick, she is having problems breathing because she is soo congested and she cant nurse so I am pumping and she is finally using a bottle. I hope she starts to get better soon I hate seeing them this little and this sick because there is not much I can do. She got a blessing so I know that will help and see does seem to be breathing better this morning. Tyler has given up the bed so that she can sleep with me. He is so wonderful and thoughtful I don't know what I would do without him. I love him very much...I cant wait until the day we can be sealed together with all our kids as a family in the temple! I know it is in the future for us and I just have to wait and be patience.
Fred and Michaela only have 2 weeks left for school, WOW. Then Michaela heads to Cold Lake to work until Christmas Eve she will be greatly missed. It is such a wonderful opportunity for her. She will be working for a friend of mines parents in their Jewelry store for the Christmas season. She will be working 8 hr days and paid $10/hour so that should be about $500 which is the last amount she needs for her Cuba Trip. She will have paid for the whole thing herself. I am so proud of her doing that and I know she will enjoy the trip much more knowing that she worked to get herself there. Plus while she is gone to Cold Lake it will give Fred the chance to prove himself to Tyler and I because he will have to take up the slack of work that Michaela tends to do. Well I feel much better now and plan on doing some crafting today and that too will pick me up. Merry Christmas all and chat soon I hope.