Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bedroom move

Have been talking but keep putting off moving Cara into the shared bedroom for the 2 youngest girls. Was worried that Veronica would not be able to sleep when Cara cried and that I would not hear her to get up and nurse her. Yesterday I moved her crib out of our bedroom and into their shared room. Afternoon nap was a little of a challenge, Veronica and Cara played, Cara in her crib and Veronica standing by her to hand her toys LOL. Veronica finally got tired and laid down on her bed and went to sleep, about 15 minutes later Cara started to cry because no one was there to play with her LOL. Cara wont sleep until she is very tired and falling asleep. She wants to stay up and play or visit and go, go, go. So I got her up so she would not wake Cara and nursed her hoping that she would go to sleep, which she did but as soon as I tried to lay her down she was up crying. Last night was the big question on how they both would sleep in the same room. Veronica went to bed as normal and Cara stayed up until 9:30 when she finally passed out and we could move her to her crib without her waking up and crying. She was up at 12:30, and 3:00 to nurse and then first morning feeding at 5:30, luckily she goes back to sleep easily at those times. Both Veronica and Cara should be up in about 45 minutes which is 7:15am to start their day. My night surprising was easy and I think I got better sleep with her out of the room. Crossing my fingers that this continues to be a good thing. Hoping that we will be able to get Cara on a sleep time routine like Veronica. Next step weaning....Wish me luck there, got her weaned for the day just need to wean her at night now.

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